Title: Margaret Mahy Girl Outlaw
Author: Fiona Farrell
This book describes the life of Margaret Mahy
This person was born in March 21 1936 in Whakatane
Margaret Mahy published over 120 books, she has also translated these books in 15 different languages. This person is very important because she was one inspiring person that loved to entertain kids. I think she was amazing because she wrote inspiring stories that kids can read.
Two Interesting facts:
- She has been awarded all kinds of medals, including the prestigious Hans Christian Anderson Award.
- She entertained young kids , she used to dress up in funny clothes to make the kids feel happy.
I really love reading this book because she inspired me to read books, and when she was a child she never gives up and I am going to try my hardest to never give up too. I also love this book because I love the way she wrote books and read out to the kids.